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Dr. Mark E. Hughes, DC


1105 Bridge Road  |  Charleston, WV 25314


By Appointment

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and the cause and prevention of disease."
- Thomas Edison

Variety of Chiropractic techniques  |  Massage Therapy

Physiotherapy & Modalities (ultrasound, mechanical traction, & electrical muscle stimulation)

On site x-ray  |  Evaluation & Fitting for Orthotics

Permanent Impairment Evaluations & more


Centrally located in Charleston, West Virginia, South Hills Chiropractic serves the community with the personalized care of an experienced chiropractor and staff who are genuinely concerned with your well being. Our focus is addressing structural imbalances in your framework that impact the ability of the nervous system to function appropriately. Because the spine is the protective "housing" for the nervous system, any imbalances in the spine can impact the nervous system.  The nervous system is the control center of the body, and when it is affected it cannot regulate the body properly thereby allowing symptoms to result. We consider your entire body in order to help you achieve optimal health.



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